Sunday, January 23, 2005

Jimmy Carter Invents Time Travel!

What bothers me is not whether Jimmy is guilty or innocent, but rather that the majority of folks who write about this, or any other topic for that matter, seem to be unable to engage their brains prior to picking up a pen or turning on their PC.

Have you all forgotten, or more probably, been unaware, that President Carter has done more great things after departing from the presidency that any other president? He's been involved with the building, personally mind you, of over 100 houses with Habitat for Humanity, meets with diplomats to discuss important global issues (ending cotton subsidies to help maintain the lively hood of small farmers as one example) and he builds furniture by hand. Know, I realize many of you would not consider that last one important. However, most people couldn't build something useful by themselves if their lives depended on it, so I rank that one rather high myself.

None the less, we are talking about Jimmy Carter here. It would be perhaps the greatest plot twist of all if someone could prove that Carter was intentionally involved in a Food for Oil scam. Not likely, though.

I, for one, will patiently await the results of thorough and complete investigations prior to condeming the man for meeting with someone who was involved in wrong doing. After all, we all have done the same and I don't expect the Feds to come knocking at our doors any time soon.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sunset from JBGDCI headquarters. Posted by Hello

I love my job!

Johnny Baller would like to express his Sincere Appreciation Mainly (S.A.M.) to those who work directly with him for the use of what appears to now be not so common, common sense. There is nothing more enjoyable in a work place than to watch someone who is at the top of their game.

Off My Chest

  • To all of you people who where offended by the cartoon images which portrayed the Sacramento firefighters as womanizers: you are they people that the rest of us make fun of as soon as you turn around and leave. What you should be offended by is the behaviour of those firefighters who were responsible for those repugnent acts; that's the time when you pick up your pen, your phone or laptop and communicate to those in charge to demand that some thing really be done about vs. slapping the offenders on the wrist. Instead, you show your true colors by implying that those cartoons were meant to represent all firefighters, and only someone blinded by bias would assume that stance. Shut up and become productive citizens.
  • To all of you women who are wearing the veil and act as though you are doing so because God/Ala deemed it so: study some history-men wrote the Bible and the Koran, along with most of the other major heavy paperweights/divine revelations; so guess who is trying to keep you down? You got it-men. Doesn't anybody who watches Hollywood movies realize that all those fucked-up woman roles were mostly written my men? And, when they were written or directed by a woman, it was generally altered so that it would make it to the screen; you don't find that many "strong women" roles in Hollywood, and when you do, they were played by women who were strong in their own lives: Betty Davis, and of course, Katherine Hepburn, the template for strong womanhood. Men who say women need to be covered in public because they are wanton, or that it imparts men with lust are not putting the blame upon where it belongs: themselves. What, we can hold jobs, play sports, rant about how we hate every religion but our own and how the rest of the world is evil, but we can't control our own actions towards the very women who we claim to protect. Hogwash! How transparent is that?
  • To everyone who is in denial about the torture at Abu Ghraib: do you really want to place yourselves amoung the Holocaust deniers? Think very carefully about this. Because some of us have already cut you out of our wills and are looking forward to making video tapes to played at the will reading pointing this fact out to all who are present...
  • To all of you State Workers who voted for Arnold: you have no reason to complain about what happens to your job. You can't way we didn't try to warn you...
  • Get off of Prince Willams back! Wearing a Nazi uniform doesn't make you a Nazi any more than wearing a policemans uniform at Halloween makes you a policeman. If you feel a need to be offended, direct your feelings and actions against people who are actually doing something wrong, like Prime Minister Tony Blair or President Bush, who both directed us all in to a war were hundreds of thousands of people have had their lives permanently scared by death, destruction, loss, grief, and actual, real pain. Does anybody besides me long for a time when the press took photos of things that had meaning?
  • OK, I'm done now. Whew!

Friday, January 07, 2005

Availability Notice

The offices of JBGDCI and its staff are currently unavailable for the remainder of the holiday season, which, according to the Baller calendar, falls on the date of January 15th.

For those of you interested, JB and his companion celebrated the arrival of the New Year in Fort Bragg, California, a small coastal town located just north of Mendocino, enjoying the fine selection of local cuisine and beverages this region has to offer. Information on this area can be found at
