Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trump proves the Left was right!

On behalf of millions of left wingers everywhere, I would like to make the following public service announcement: "We told you so!"

Now that the Birthers and, for that matter, most of the conservative population, has been proven to be conspiratorial idiots, hopefully people will stop listening to anything they have to say.

Thank you, Donald Trump. I officially forgive your hair.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bonds Guilty! Mirror, mirror on the wall...

So what if he lied? I don't know one person who could stand before any judge or jury (or their friends and family for that matter) and honestly say that they haven't done at least one of these: told a lie, rolled through a stop sign, exceeded the speed limit, cheated on taxes or their spouse or significant other, lied to their parents, slipped in late for work and didn't dock their time card. We're all hypocrites and just can't admit it to yourselves and you know it. It's easy to sit here in almost complete anonymity and post a scathing Bonds condemnation. But, try to live up to your own words and you'll fall flat on your face, much to the enjoyment of the rest of the world who clearly are waiting for the next victim to pounce upon.

Anyway, I'm calling in sick and driving over to my mistress' place in my state-subsidized foreign auto, using her neighbors guest parking permit to avoid getting a ticket in that '2 Hour' only zone, to have my Cuban cigar, a Stoli martini and then have non-missionary style, forbidden sex while listening to my favorite Gothic Death Metal band on my office's Mac Book Pro. Gotta go. See ya!