God, I miss bars like this: vinyl everywhere, easy and comfortable to sit at (yeah, I'm digging at high style bar tables and really strange seats - and I like modern furniture as much as the next guy but, seriously, some of these stools make me want to go grab an axe). Sure, it's super cheesy now, but it's cozy to sit under plastic covered plants that don't require watering - or dusting, evidently - and I doubt that most carpenters these days (at least the ones that I can afford) could even built an overhang like that.
As for the drinking, your choice for wine is either white or red. Got that, pal? If you're drinking beer, then's it's one draft coming up! Hell, in those days, we were all too tired from laying brick or fixing that steel railroad bridge to spend ten minutes reading over a damn three page wine and beer list anyway.
Oh, this one is at Roma's Pizza on Franklin Boulevard, Sacramento, California.