Thursday, February 17, 2005

Many Sacramentens Just Don't Get It.

You won't see the photo of the soldiers uniform in a noose, which Steve and Virginia Pearcy decided to hang from their home, on my blog. Why? Perhaps it had never occured to them or any of the other supporters of their action, that if and when this photo gets posted to some website and our soldiers take a look at it, even though the intent may not be there, it's going to make us look like we blame them for what's going on in Iraq. We all know who's to blame for the war and we know where his residence on Pennsylvania Ave is. But that is not the point. Say what you will, but this looks like America after Vietnam all over again.

Diana Griego Erwin got it right this time in quoting Ken Russel, who said "What I wish is that the cops would close down the street so we could actually talk to one another." She then told him that this was the most intelligent comment she had heard all night, and I'm afraid to say it, but that should be such a given that it need not be said, but I'm pleased she told him so. That type of feedback is a nice change from the majority of activites that went on that night.

What is even more sad is that our city council said they couldn't solve the problem. What problem? That some residents decided to act upon their constitutional rights? "Unfortunately or fortunately this is protected speech by the First Amendment ... so there is nothing we can do about it," Sacramento City Councilman Rob Fong said. At least Councilman Fong worded his statement ambiguously. Now there's taking a stand for you-or not, in this case.

Evidently, an unknown (at this time) group of individuals have torn down the display, thereby performing the illegal acts of vandolism and trespassing, along with not letting their morals get in the way of doing what's right. But, at what cost? Just because you disagree with the statement does not give you the right to trounce upon the constitutional rights of others. Wouldn't it have been much easier to approach the Pearcy's home, knock politely on their door and ask if you could discuss their new home ornament and why you find it offensive? Apparently not.

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