Saturday, September 10, 2005

The blame game: what I did wrong prior/during/after Katrina.

1). Johnny Baller: My failure to write my congressman about not doing enough to shore-up our levy system. Yep, I live in Sacramento, California and we are surrounded by 'em.

2). Residents in any area susceptible to a disaster (that's all of us): Believing that everything would be fine in a disaster because the gov't will take care of me.

3). The Media, who just didn't get it (most of us): looting is perfectly acceptable behavior if you are stealing supplies because your life depends on it. And, for all our experience in reporting horrible things happening around the globe, not using our initial airtime to get the message across: stuff like "get out now, how to get out, where to go, etc."

4). FEMA: acting like we never saw a hurricane before. A little preparation is a bad thing.

5). George W. Bush: Once again, prior to discussing important shit on TV, I still don't understand the levity of the events unfolding around me and can goof-off and make stupid jokes either before or during the televising; others would be stoic, crying, or adamant about getting something done. Think "inspiration", not teleprompter.

6). George's parents: we shouldn't go on TV and talk about poor people-it just makes us look arrogant and ignorant of what they are going through.

7). Stop reading this post and instead, click on my ASPCA link and help save someone's pet. It may be the only family someone has.

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