Sunday, December 12, 2004

Christmas is here!

Stop complaining about parking, busy malls, and having too many folks to shop for. Enjoy this time of year 'cause it only last a little while and we need all the cheer we can get right now. And if mall parking is getting you down, there are plenty of little shops just about everywhere you look that are dying for you to come in and do business with them instead of Walmart-and if you even consider buying me some shit from that hell-hole, well it's coal for you next year.

Here's an idea. Instead of just driving around looking at all the pretty lights, get out of your car and take a little stroll-put some hot cocoa in a thermos, pack a snack or two, maybe even bring your pooch with you and enjoy a pleasant walk in the neighborhood. Say "hello" to some of the neighbors who, as we discovered in our town, were still out putting up even more lights and decorations. And is Sacramento, you know these people are dedicated 'cause many here don't go out when the temperature drops below 50 degrees, let alone venture out after dark (they still roll the sidewalks up here after 10 p.m. on most nights).

So, go out there and have a very, merry Christmas! Oh, and for all you humans of other religious factions, do what you do or don't do and go with the flow. Just like that cell phone commercial that combines all of 'em together.

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