Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Supersize this, JAMF

I am officially done attempting to save the planet. Period. Done deal. That's it. A movie that graphically details just how bad McDonald's food really is comes out and what happens: their stock goes up. Global warming turns out not only to be a very real phenomenon, with glaciers melting all over the place, islands looking like they're about to sink under the rising tide and does any political leader stand up and say "enough is enough," and actually do something about it? No.
So, for all practical puposes, I am no longer worrying about whether my car gets 20 or 30 mpg, that I may occasionally forget to recycle something, or that I'm not using low VOC paints. If the city takes just one of those ugly, smelly buses off the road, that will accomplish more than I will EVER be able to do in my lifetime. So, quit it already and leave me alone so I can go find some dolphins to swim with while there still are dolphins to swim with.

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